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【22/07/13】2021级博士生张松Nature Communications:吸雾又发电的纤维素材料
来源:聂双喜教授个人网站 发布日期:2022-07-13

相关工作以题为“Bioinspired asymmetric amphiphilic surface for triboelectric enhanced efficient water harvesting" 发表在国际著名期刊《 Nature Communications》上。

Abstract:The effective acquisition of clean water from atmospheric water offers a potential sustainable solution for increasing global water and energy shortages. In this study, an asymmetric amphiphilic surface incorporating self-driven triboelectric adsorption was developed to obtain clean water from the atmosphere. Inspired by cactus spines and beetle elytra, the asymmetric amphiphilic surface was constructed by synthesizing amphiphilic cellulose ester coatings followed by coating on laser-engraved spines of fluorinated ethylene propylene. Notably, the spontaneous interfacial triboelectric charge between the droplet and the collector was exploited for electrostatic adsorption. Additionally, the droplet triboelectric nanogenerator converts the mechanical energy generated by droplets falling into electrical energy through the volume effect, achieving an excellent output performance, and further enhancing the electrostatic adsorption by means of external charges, which achieved a water harvesting efficiency of 93.18 kg/m2 h. This strategy provides insights for the design of water harvesting system.

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